Our Mission Statement

The title The Exiled American does not refer to any one individual, but to the American people as a whole. It has become abundantly clear since the events of 9/11 that America is not the country that we had thought it to be. Rather, we now find that the Constitution of the United States has been set aside, and freedom traded - either willfully or by stealth - for supposed security. We, as a nation, have been exiled from the government bestowed upon us by the founders of our country. Founders who insisted a government should fear its population, and that a population should never cower in fear to its government.

The purpose of this blog is to be yet another voice in opposition to the tyranny that is clutching the United States in talons of iron; a clarion call to all Americans to research and become politically aware of the country that they call The Land of Free and the Home of Brave. It is a call to return to The Republic.

The material presented here will highlight tyranny in it's many faceted levels. It will also provide links to important government documentation and current news items that outline the intent and purpose of those men who have covertly taken control of the United States, and put the American population into political exile.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

An Exiled American Tasered for Asking Lord Kerry About His Skull and Bones Affiliation

...and the population of the Home of the Cowards, Land of the Slaves do nothing but applaud the destruction of the 1st Amendment. Free speech is gone, and asking a question of Lord Kerry must never touch any of the real issues. The question opens about voter suppression and Lord Kerry's spineless decision not to contest the 2004 election. But when the University of Florida student, Andrew Meyer, starts questioning Lord Kerry's affiliation with the Yale secret society of Skull and Bones, the Gestapo steps in to field the question via intimidation and TASER. The Tazering occurred AFTER Meyer had been subdued, laying on the ground with five Gestapo agents above him, and begging not to be Tazered.

Lord Kerry does tell the police to leave the student alone, and that he'll answer the question. And, valiantly, while the sound of TASER filled the room, Lord Kerry undauntedly gave his answer. Lord Kerry, you are more guilty than any other person who sat in that room and watched the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights raped. You did nothing to protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights that you swore to uphold. You failed, Lord Kerry, to represent your country and stop an attack upon this American citizen. Lord Kerry's claim of not knowing Meyer was being Tasered is meaningless. He should have stopped the Gestapo's engagement against Meyer. Luckily, this rape was captured on video. This, my Fellow Exiled, is how freedom ends.

Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola
The Exiled American

News Covered by MSNBC... Notice how they question the use of a TASER they then began to joke and make light of the situation.

Related Articles:
Kerry: Didn't Know Student Was Being Tasered
Caught on Tape: UF Student Zapped With Taser
The Brad Blog Report of the Tasering of Andrew Meyer
The Yorkshire Evening Post: A Tazer Freedom

And let's not forget:

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