Our Mission Statement

The title The Exiled American does not refer to any one individual, but to the American people as a whole. It has become abundantly clear since the events of 9/11 that America is not the country that we had thought it to be. Rather, we now find that the Constitution of the United States has been set aside, and freedom traded - either willfully or by stealth - for supposed security. We, as a nation, have been exiled from the government bestowed upon us by the founders of our country. Founders who insisted a government should fear its population, and that a population should never cower in fear to its government.

The purpose of this blog is to be yet another voice in opposition to the tyranny that is clutching the United States in talons of iron; a clarion call to all Americans to research and become politically aware of the country that they call The Land of Free and the Home of Brave. It is a call to return to The Republic.

The material presented here will highlight tyranny in it's many faceted levels. It will also provide links to important government documentation and current news items that outline the intent and purpose of those men who have covertly taken control of the United States, and put the American population into political exile.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ron Paul's Record Grassroots Fund Raising Results

No more can FOX News blame WebBots for Ron Paul's Internet success. WebBots don't donate millions of dollars, but true Exiled Americans seeking to restore the Republic and Constitution do. Ron Paul is now an acknowledged, first tier candidate, and, if the American population's voice is to be heard, the first real American President the United States has seen in many, many years.

December 15th and 16th will mark yet another fund raising drive for the Ron Paul Campaign. On December 15, 1791 the United States Bill of Rights was made law when ratified by the legislator of Virginia. On the 16th of December, eighteen years earlier, the American Patriots staged the Boston Tea Party. In 2007, these two days will be yet another call to freedom and to returning the Nation to the Exiled.

The Exiled American
Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola