Our Mission Statement

The title The Exiled American does not refer to any one individual, but to the American people as a whole. It has become abundantly clear since the events of 9/11 that America is not the country that we had thought it to be. Rather, we now find that the Constitution of the United States has been set aside, and freedom traded - either willfully or by stealth - for supposed security. We, as a nation, have been exiled from the government bestowed upon us by the founders of our country. Founders who insisted a government should fear its population, and that a population should never cower in fear to its government.

The purpose of this blog is to be yet another voice in opposition to the tyranny that is clutching the United States in talons of iron; a clarion call to all Americans to research and become politically aware of the country that they call The Land of Free and the Home of Brave. It is a call to return to The Republic.

The material presented here will highlight tyranny in it's many faceted levels. It will also provide links to important government documentation and current news items that outline the intent and purpose of those men who have covertly taken control of the United States, and put the American population into political exile.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ron Paul's Record Grassroots Fund Raising Results

No more can FOX News blame WebBots for Ron Paul's Internet success. WebBots don't donate millions of dollars, but true Exiled Americans seeking to restore the Republic and Constitution do. Ron Paul is now an acknowledged, first tier candidate, and, if the American population's voice is to be heard, the first real American President the United States has seen in many, many years.

December 15th and 16th will mark yet another fund raising drive for the Ron Paul Campaign. On December 15, 1791 the United States Bill of Rights was made law when ratified by the legislator of Virginia. On the 16th of December, eighteen years earlier, the American Patriots staged the Boston Tea Party. In 2007, these two days will be yet another call to freedom and to returning the Nation to the Exiled.

The Exiled American
Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Global Call to Stop Cervical Cancer

In the aftermath of Texas governor, Rick Perry's, defeated Texas mandate to innoculate pre-teen girls with the HPV (Genital Human Papillomavirus) vaccine Gardasil, we find the Rockefeller Foundation engaged in their own agenda with HPV and their Global Call to Stop Cervical Cancer coalition (source). Two months after Gov. Perry was pressured not to move forward with the vaccine, a coalition of leaders at the World YWCA International Women’s Summit in Nairobi announced the launch of the HVP vaccine agenda.

The American Cancer Society projects that about 3,670 American women will die of cervical cancer in 2007 and over 500,000 worldwide. Although cervical cancer had been one of the most common cancers in women, its numbers declined between 1955 and 1992. The reason for this decrease is that Pap tests are able to detect the problem early when it is in its most curable stage. Also according to the American Cancer Society “half of women diagnosed with [cervical] cancer are between the ages of 35 and 55. It rarely [emphasis added] occurs in women younger than 20.” The cancer is also somewhat race specific with the highest occurrences being in Hispanic women with Afro-Americans being the secondary victims (source) followed by Caucasians. According to a 2003 chart (source) from the American Cancer Society, uterine cancer, which includes cervical and uterine corpus combined, falls between cancers of the stomach and pancreas. In other words, it is the second least fatal cancer of seven demonstrated on the graph. Statistically, Pap testing has been extremely successful.

In June 2003, Pap testing wasn’t enough, and the HPV Gardasil vaccine was introduced. A wonder vaccine that protects against 4 strains (6, 11, 16 and 18) of HPV, which cause 70% of cervical cancers and 90% of genital warts (source). In other words, the vaccine is a protection against various sexually transmitted diseases in a world where abstinence is no longer an option being taught to our youth. Notice that in the source links provided, the graphics on the pages all show smiling, young, pre-teen and teenage girls. Why is the target group for a disease that afflicts women approaching middle age so blatantly being sold to girls under 20. Remember, cervical cancer rarely afflicts women under the age of 20.

Texas became the first major battleground for HPV, which brought a certain amount of public awareness to the vaccine. On February 2, 2007, Gov. Rick Perry issued an executive order for mandatory HVP vaccination for all sixth-grade girls. In May 2007, The governor reversed his position, but not before a dismal wake of vaccine induced tragedies manifested.

According to an Associated Press article that appeared on May 9, 2007 “the Texas legislators… have questioned the vaccine’s safety, efficacy and cost.” In the same article, Republican Rep. Dennis Bonnen is quoted as saying, “We should not and are now not going to offer the 165,000 11-year-olds in Texas up to be the study group for Merck to find out what the implications of this vaccine would be for these girls.” Unfortunately, during the short time that the vaccine was being distributed, the results of the vaccine were evident.

What were those results? The Washington Times reported the following: severe headaches, dizziness, temporary loss of vision, loss of consciousness and seizures. All this, and no proof that Gardasil is even effective at all! (Washington Times 2007 archive on HVP vaccine). The Gardasil website offers these side effects: may cause pain, swelling, itching and redness at the injection site, fever, nausea and dizziness. Strange that the two lists only duplicate the side effect of dizziness! You’ll notice that the website also makes the claim that “the vaccine… may help guard against diseases that are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) Types 6, 11, 16, and 18.” "May" is far from conclusive.

Dr. Ariel Pablos-Mendez, a managing director at the Rockefeller Foundation said, “The world cannot afford to wait for new HPV vaccines and screening tests to eventually trickle down from wealthy countries to developing countries where women need these life-saving products.” He calls this Nairobi agenda “an historic opportunity to save lives.” The doctor's comments are in stark opposition to the words of Texas Rep. Dennis Bonnen. What this project is really about is an abundant supply of test subjects who will not be mourned by the rest of the planet, while at the same time continuing a system of genocide via vaccine injections that has been ongoing for many years.

Let’s recall the statement of the American Cancer Society that HPV primarily attacks Hispanics and Blacks. Now consider the fact that the Rockefeller Foundation wants to inject thousands of third-world girls and women with the live virus. Take a moment to recall the negative and dangerous results of the vaccine when used on pre-teen Texas schoolgirls. Could this Global Call to Stop Cervical Cancer be yet another rung on the Eugenics ladder meant to depopulate the African continent?

A June 21, 2007 press release announced taking the agenda to Buenos Aires, Argentina. What devastating effects might the HPV vaccine have upon the Hispanic population of that country? Remember, we’re talking about injecting thousands upon thousands of the woman who fall into the highest cervical cancer risk group with the virus.

At the September 2007 Clinton Global Initiative conference in New York City, Merck announced that it will donate three million doses of Gardasil to developing countries. The global agenda continues, and the Globalists have found a new test group.

Conclusion: With the long term affects of Gardasil still an unknown, and mounting evidence of short term complications, the vaccine is far from ready to be meted out to the female population of our planet. Women in Third World nations are not the human guinea pigs for the wealthier nations to test their tonics and snake oils on. And when this is added to the mix of admitted depopulation agendas held by the Elite, isn't it worth the time to question why an untested vaccine should be made mandatory by executive order? Should we not question the fact that Governor Rick Perry has connections to Merck, both friendly and financially (source)? Should we not question why that same governor was summoned to appear before the Bilderberg Group's 2007 Conference? The questions could go on and on.

Remember, Merck promises absolutely nothing to the recipient. They are offering you a "Maybe" at $360.00 for 3-doses. Do you go for a yearly Polio test after taking the Polio vaccine? No. But those who have taken the 3-dose regiment are advised by Merck to continue going for yearly Pap tests just as they would without the vaccine. Why? Because the vaccine is not known to work. Pap tests allow for early detection of cervical cancer, and are the time-proven tool for taking the necessary steps to curing women of the disease since 1955.

Consider the advertisement aired in the United States promoting the vaccine. Again we are confronted with pre-teen and teenage girls begging to be innoculated. While ominous music plays in the background we're repeated told to be: One Less. Fear, again, being the primary advertising tool of the pharmaceutical industry. One less? Yes. Be one less taken in by the wolf in the fold. Be One Less to allow your daughter to become a test subject for yet another unproven "medical breakthrough."

And finally, vaccination should NEVER be mandatory or government controlled; especially with an unproven vaccine. Acquaint yourself with the laws governing your state regarding all vaccinations. Each vaccination needs to be considered before the needle penetrates your child's skin. Learn what ingredients are being pushed through your child's veins. Know your rights as a parent and take responsibility for your children. Educate yourself before putting anything into your child's body. The decision is in your hands.

After Word: I have read much speculation regarding whether or not the Gardasil HPV vaccine contains live virus. All the official documentation states that it does not, as it is, currently, impossible to culture the virus. However, it does contains virus like particles (?!) which stimulate the same immune response as the live virus. The virus like particles are created via recombinant genetic engineering that includes only a portion of a disease causing organism; since they do not contain the cancer inducing viral genes, these may be safer and create fewer side effects than vaccines made of whole organisms (source, page 15). Virus-like particles (VLPs) are defined as: Cultured cells [that] are genetically engineered to produce HPV capsid proteins which self assemble into empty shells resembling virus particles (source, Ibid). With that said, research is underway to create live HPV virus. This from the same source:

...Researchers are investigating the following five approaches to producing HPV antigens and delivering them to vaccine recipients:
  1. Recombinant live vector vaccines: A harmless host virus or bacteria is genetically engineered to produce an HPV antigen. The immune system responds both to the host organism and the HPV antigen.
  2. Protein and peptide vaccines: An organism, such as yeast, is genetically engineered to produce an HPV protein or peptide. After this antigen is purified, it is combined with an adjuvant that helps trigger the immune system.
  3. Virus-like particles (VLPs): Defined above.
  4. “Naked” DNA vaccines: HPV genetic material is inserted into bacterial plasmids. When these circular DNA structures are used in a vaccine, the DNA is expressed in human cells that then produce an HPV antigen.
  5. Edible vaccines: Plants are genetically engineered to express HPV antigens in fruits and vegetables. Eating the foods leads to immunization in the gastrointestinal tract.
Gardasil contains the Virus-like particles created from L1 capsid protein produced using transgenic yeast. The tetravalent HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, L1 capsid protein recombinant vaccine that forms a virus-like particle lacking DNA (source). Notice that the definition for virus-like particles incorporates the words "may be safer and create fewer side effects than vaccines made of whole organisms". Again, "may" is hardly a conclusive term.

Note to Finnish readers: the source quoted above states that Finland was one of the test countries for Gardasil. Pharmaceutical News reported on Oct. 19, 2006, that Sanofi Pasteur, a joint company of Merck and Sanofi-Aventis, began selling Gardasil in Austria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Sweden and the United Kingdom (source).

Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola
The Exiled American

For Further Consideration:
The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed (Report by Mike Adams) *Added 12.30.2007
Eight More Deaths Contributed to Gardasil (Article)
Gardasil Follow-Up Report: Medical Alert (Article)
Gardasil - You Could Be One Less: A Mother's Story (Video)
Merck's Report on Gardasil (PDF File)
National Vaccine Information Center Gardasil Report (Website)

Gardasil Ingredients
(from the package insert)
Virus-like particles of HPV Types 6, 11, 16 and 18.
" The purified VLPs are adsorbed on preformed aluminum-containing adjuvant (amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate). The quadrivalent HPV VLP vaccine is a sterile liquid suspension that is prepared by combining the adsorbed VLPs of each HPV type and additional amounts of the aluminum- containing adjuvant and the final purification buffer."

"Each 0.5-mL dose of the vaccine contains approximately 225 mcg of aluminum (as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate adjuvant),
9.56 mg of sodium chloride,
0.78 mg of L-histidine,
50 mcg of polysorbate 80,
35 mcg of sodium borate,
and water for injection.
The product does not contain a preservative or antibiotics."

Ingredients of Other Vaccines (Website)
Officials Say Drug Caused Nigeria Polio (Article)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Disillusionaries- 4 Public Awareness Questions

Once again, Americans demonstrate their political unawareness and inexcusable ignorance. But before you're too fast to condemn... how well can you do with the four questions asked? Before watching the video answer these four questions:
  1. Who is the Vice-President of the United States?
  2. What does the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution pertain too?
  3. In what year did the events of 9/11 happen?
  4. Who is the current United States Secretary of Defense?
So be honest now... how many of the answers do you know? If you don't know all of them, it's time to get informed and start paying attention to your Government, your Constitution and your Rights as an American citizen. And if you're not an American, how many of these questions can you answer based upon your own system of Government? You may be surprised to find your knowledge is as lacking as those of your American counterparts. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is slavery. Remember the words of Frederick Douglas:

"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave."

The Exiled American
Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola

The United States Constitution (PDF File)
The United States Bill of Rights (PDF File)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

More UnBearable Taser News...

Although I am not categorically against the use of Tasers, it is becoming more and more obvious that their use must be reexamined. The Taser has become a "quick fix" and a form of aggression towards the suspect by the police wielding them. The Taser should be used in place of a gun. In other words, if conditions arise where the officer would normally draw his weapon to fire than a Taser should be employed. It should be used as a replacement for the lethal weapon, and not as a weapon of convenience to make the officer's life easier.

The use of TASERS was approved for testing in Finland from October 26, 2004 through May 31, 2005* (SOURCE), and the weapon was adopted in Finland as standard police gear shortly after the trial ended (SOURCE: In Finnish). According to TASER x26 supplier, TASER International, Inc., Finland was included among other countries that attended the 2006 European Tactical Conference. The focus of the conference "was to train the officers in the use of the TASER x26". I sincerely hope that the Finnish police force will be more discriminating in their use of the non-lethal TASER than their American counterparts. If not, we'll be seeing our own "home town" stories of people abused and killed by cops with non-lethal TASERS to add to the already abundant archive available Online (see TASER vidcaps here).

Personally, I believe the Finnish police force will use more restraint. Why? The Finnish police force is not manned by men and women who have spent several tours in active duty in live war theaters; in short, they have not learned to kill. The American police force is manned primarily by veterans who have served in the Gulf War of the early Nineties and those returning from the current Iraq invasion theater. These people are quite familiar with killing and see the citizens of America as "The Enemy" as much as they view the Iraqis their enemies. And what more can be expected when the Police Terrorist Manual concludes a person who refers to the American Constitution of the United States as a terrorist? Far too often, the American men and women in blue have forgotten their oath to "Protect and Serve". This is by no means an indictment against all American police officers, and we encourage those officers who still care about America to be alert and aware of the Wolves in the Fold.

A quick Google search will bring up numerous videos of people being Tasered brutally by your friendly, neighborhood men in blue. A recent Amnesty International website reports that more than 220 people have been killed by non-lethal TASER welding police officers (SOURCE) in the United States since 2001.

Note: See also POLICE STATE WATCH in the left column for more.

The Exiled American
Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola

Related Articles
LA Deputies Subdue Autistic Boy With Taser (added 9.21.2007)
Retired Officer Claims His Son Was Abused by NYPD
Police Have Been Given the Go-Ahead to Use Taser Stun Guns Against Children
Sparks Fly Over Police Taser Use
Black Bear Dies After Being Stung by Taser

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

An Exiled American Tasered for Asking Lord Kerry About His Skull and Bones Affiliation

...and the population of the Home of the Cowards, Land of the Slaves do nothing but applaud the destruction of the 1st Amendment. Free speech is gone, and asking a question of Lord Kerry must never touch any of the real issues. The question opens about voter suppression and Lord Kerry's spineless decision not to contest the 2004 election. But when the University of Florida student, Andrew Meyer, starts questioning Lord Kerry's affiliation with the Yale secret society of Skull and Bones, the Gestapo steps in to field the question via intimidation and TASER. The Tazering occurred AFTER Meyer had been subdued, laying on the ground with five Gestapo agents above him, and begging not to be Tazered.

Lord Kerry does tell the police to leave the student alone, and that he'll answer the question. And, valiantly, while the sound of TASER filled the room, Lord Kerry undauntedly gave his answer. Lord Kerry, you are more guilty than any other person who sat in that room and watched the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights raped. You did nothing to protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights that you swore to uphold. You failed, Lord Kerry, to represent your country and stop an attack upon this American citizen. Lord Kerry's claim of not knowing Meyer was being Tasered is meaningless. He should have stopped the Gestapo's engagement against Meyer. Luckily, this rape was captured on video. This, my Fellow Exiled, is how freedom ends.

Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola
The Exiled American

News Covered by MSNBC... Notice how they question the use of a TASER they then began to joke and make light of the situation.

Related Articles:
Kerry: Didn't Know Student Was Being Tasered
Caught on Tape: UF Student Zapped With Taser
The Brad Blog Report of the Tasering of Andrew Meyer
The Yorkshire Evening Post: A Tazer Freedom

And let's not forget:

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Politics of the Potterverse: A Parable

The Christians deride J.K. Rowling and her work as satanic, while cheerfully laying the Harry Potter books upon bonfires and singing hymns. The Wiccan community derides J.K. Rowling because Harry rides his broomstick backwards and celebrates Christmas and Easter instead of the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Even so, Harry magickally comes through triumphant with record book sales and accompanying movie deals with topnotch actors filling the roles of the fictional characters.

I was never a Harry Potter fan. I had never given in to the peer pressure to read the collected work of J. K. Rowling; although, I'll admit that I have seen all of the book-based movies, and even own a copy of the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) DVD. I still am not a fan, but after seeing the latest film, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) the infrastructure of the tale captured my attention. Rowling has created a microcosm of the political macrocosm that we, unfortunately, find ourselves in today. It is that microcosm that we will explore.


A very important element of the Potterverse is Bloodline. And the issue of Bloodline is not lost on Rowling, who is British and fully aware of the meaning - both allegorical and literal - of Bloodline.

Bloodline continues to play an important part in American politics. Nearly every president of the United States can trace his lineage to the thrones of Europe. That world leadership is held in the hands of the minority can not be questioned. Bloodline plays its most important role in the doctrine of Divine Right of Kings. A doctrine that finds its source in ancient worlds of Sumer and Egypt.

This Divine Right of Kings sees certain bloodlines as being more worthy to rule over bloodlines. From the earliest times, bloodline control was in the hands of the Kings and Priests, who represented the two controlling systems used to our present time: politics and religion. Their "power" was handed down from father to son. Throughout history, there has been a struggle between these two factions for taking domination over its population. At times, the two bonded to become a single, dominating entity.

Perhaps the easiest example to site is the Roman Catholic Church, which had usurped power at the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire. This manipulative take over of politics by religion was accomplished through a forged document that came to be known as the Constitutum Donatio Constantini (Donation of Constantine). The document first appeared in ca. 752 A.D. during the papacy of Pope Stephen III (752-757). Donation purported to have been given to Pope Sylvester I by the Roman Emperor Constantine, who had made Christianity the national religion of the Empire. The document proclaimed the Pope to be the earthly representative of Jesus Christ, having authority over every kingdom and throne on earth, and named him Vicarius Filii Dei (Vicar of the Son of God). Further, the document gave the ruling Pope the authority to create and empower kings and queens. The adoption of this forgery began the birth pangs of the Holy Roman Empire beginning with the forced removal of the Merovingian bloodline that ruled Gaul, and culminating in the official birth of the union of Church and State government with the anointing of the Carolingian Charlemagne by Pope Leo III at Christmas mass on December 25th, 800 A.D. Religious and political laws, established by the Roman Church, were to be enforced by the kings that the Vatican had put into power.

In the Potter-verse witch community there are three tiers of witches: the Purebloods, the Mudbloods and the Muggle born. Purebloods are the descendants of parents who were both witches with no intermarrying within the family with Muggles, and seen as the Elite. Mudbloods are witches who have one Pureblood parent and one Muggle parent. And, finally, the Muggle born is the child of two Muggle parents who displays magical ability.

Bloodlines have been the source of countless genocides throughout the centuries. By the end of the series Mudbloods and Muggle-born are culled and removed from the community after undergoing interrogation and torture. The similarities to Nazi Germany, Stalin's Russia, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Mao's China - among a list of other such 20th-century atrocities - genocidal policies are easily seen. But, perhaps, less obvious is the present political climate in which we live; suspicion, mistrust, interrogation and torture is being laid upon the heads of the Muslim community. And in Afghanistan and Iraq, Arab peoples are being killed en mass. According to John Hopkins study (source) over 650,ooo Iraqis have been killed since the invasion began in March 2003. When the total dead from Desert Storm (1991) are added to the figure, the death toll is well over 1 million casualties of war. And with the unprecedented use of depleted uranium weapons since Desert Storm, the death toll will only increase over the coming years.

Defense Against the Dark Arts

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
-- The Bill of Rights: Amendment II

These words from the American Constitution's Bill of Rights is perhaps one of the most contested freedoms of our time. But one need look no further than the writer of the U.S. Constitution to fully understand what this Second Amendment is meant to give We the People: the right to keep and bears arms. Why? To offer the American people a means of defense against its government should that government become unfit to govern.

Is it any wonder that one of the first acts of any dictatorship is to confiscate the citizens ability to defend themselves? We can once again call upon the usual list of historical suspects to find precedence for such action. And Rowling once again acquaints us with the strategy within the walls of Hogwarts, when she refuses to teach the pupils the practical use of magic against the Dark Arts. In so doing, she took away the students weapons, leaving them defenseless and at the mercy of dictatorial control. And the students, as any revolutionary thinker would do, formed themselves into a resistance to tyranny: Dumbledore's Army. There they made themselves ready for the battle ahead of them against the will of the dictatorship that had taken over the school.

Give Us This Day Our Daily Edict

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
-- The Bill of Rights: Amendment I

The gradual eroding away of American's basic liberties is probably easiest seen in the current destruction of free speech. This erosion is, again, clearly exemplified by Rowling within the walls of Hogwarts. The imagery in the film of each edict handed down by the pink-draped, smiling dictator, Umbridge, speaks for itself as each edit is hang upon the wall until floor to ceiling is covered with documents outlining the restrictions of freedoms and privacy.

Through such bills as the Patriot Act and Patriot Act II - the former not even read by the Congress before being signed into law - Americans now find themselves without the liberties and freedoms that are outlined in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And it has become a matter of public record that the people currently in control of the U.S. government have engaged in criminal surveillance of the American populace. Freedom to assembly and to protest these criminals has been named criminal itself. Freedom of Speech has been relegated to so-called Free Speech Zones, which are fenced in and kept far away from the activities being protested against. People are arrested for wearing anti-Bush regime t-shirts, bumper stickers and the like. And to add insult to injury, ignorant cops question whether a U.S. Constitution is legal or not! One wonders just how much the American people will endear before they are ready to take their country back.

Gonzales at Hogwarts

Rowling's shows us the heart of the Pink Lady and her lust for torture as "acceptable" punishment as well as information gathering tactics. Perhaps Umbridge took her torture policy from the memo of Alberto Gonzales (read here). In this memo, Gonzales outlines "acceptable" reasons for using torture. Reasons, I hasten to add, that were quickly adopted by the Neo-Con Bush regime. Gonzales may no longer be Attorney General of the United States of America, but his policies are still in full force.

The Golden Rule

He who owns the gold makes the rules.

I find it quite interesting that in the Potter-verse there is no paper money. Rather, the magical bartering system is with gold. Real gold! No Federal Reserve Bank Notes, no fiat currency! Just bright, shiny gold coins! Real money! In other words, the currency system that the United States should be using. Not the 1913 Jekyll Island creation of the Federal Reserve that took the American money system out of the hands of government and turned it over to private banking interests. This topic is too involved to go into deeply, but I encourage you to take the time to watch Aaron Russo's film America: Freedom to Fascism for a detailed history of the Federal reserve and the IRS.

Pay No Attention to the Men Behind the Curtain

But there is a more subtle thread woven through the Harry Potter-verse: a Ministry behind the Ministry of Magic; a government behind the government. Voldemort, we are told, has little interest in politics, and has no desire to be a part of the Ministry of Magic. We do discover, however, that he has no qualms about taking control of the government and pulling the strings in the background. Is Rowling alluding here to a "man behind the curtain" in our own reality? Do we really believe that George W. Bush is in charge? or is he a puppet? and if a puppet, who are the Puppet Masters. Again, this is a subject too large for the context of this article, but it is well worth considering the politics behind the politics.


So while the Christians burn and the Wiccans nitpick the essential truths of Easter, Christmas, the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, I choose to look deeper into Miss. Rowlings' Potter-verse and see a world all to similar to the one that we live and breathe in. A world that we as a population would be able to change - not through magickal spells and incantation - but by taking direct action and by speaking out against the evils that are all around us. For it is we ourselves who are to blame for the current state of affairs. It is our inaction and silence that allows these woes to persist. If we would stop to remember that it is basically 5% of the population that sees itself as our Bloodline ordained leaders the opposition does not seem so great. It took 12% of the American colonies population to raise up against the tyranny and establish a government for the people and by the people. It is not necessary to pick up arms and dispose the criminals that inhabit our hallowed halls of government. We need only arm ourselves with truth and the laws of governance as laid down by the Fore Fathers of these once great and united States of America.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Geraldo Rivera or Alex Jones?

Alex Jones and wearechange.org were protesting in New York City when they discovered that Geraldo Rivera was filming live FOX "News" nearby. He was covering such news worthy topics as gay sex in bathrooms, bimbos in short shirts and hot cars. Meanwhile, the Patriots were in the background demanding Truth from the men in Washington D.C.

On September 7, 2007, Alex Jones was arrested for using his ever present bullhorn, but released with a $200.00 ticket soon after. Contrary to Internet rumor, he was not tazered.

And now AOL wants to know: Who's message should be heard? Geraldo's or Jones? You are the judge. You can submit your response here.

THREAD UPDATE: The poll closed with Alex Jones at 90% and Geraldo at 3%. The remaining 7% were undecided.

The Exiled American,
Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola

Monday, September 10, 2007

Terrorism, Bin Laden and 9/11

Hip Hop artist, Mos Def, speaks out on terrorism, Bin Laden and 9/11. (Note: strong language)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Ron Paul Delegates Denied Access at the Texas Straw Poll

Americans exiled from their right to vote. Click here for more information.

Ron Paul: An American for President

Ron Paul HeadshotIn a sea of faces, both Republican and Democrat, it is difficult to tell the parties apart without them displaying their party cards. The differences have become muddied by compromise and warmongering to the point that America has become - in truth - a one party system.

From out of the corruption comes a man who is a true American, dedicated to the Constitution of the United States. He is a man who comes in the spirit of the Founding Fathers and is the only real choice for a President that will return America to a Constitutional Government, instead of a corporate fascist entity that has no regard for the American population or the Constitution.

For more about Ron Paul visit his website at: http://www.ronpaul2008.com/

Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola
The Exiled American

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

1/5 of Polled Americans Could Not Find the United States on Map

And let's not forget pResident Bush:

While those Online Googlers laugh at Miss Teen USA 2007 contestant, Lauren Caitlin Upton's, less than stellar ability to answer the question delivered to her, perhaps we should spend some time bemoaning the state of education in the United States that caused 1/5 of the Americans polled unable to locate the U.S. on a map that prompted the question in the first place!

This is not the first instance of American stupidity. Australian comedy television programming has clearly demonstrated Americans inability to identify world figures, world events and general geography. And then there are those who were totally unable to identify Iraq on the map, while simultaneously calling for the destruction of the country and its people; the very zenith of arrogance, bigotry and stupidity. And what of the Americans left dumbfounded when asked to name a country beginning with the letter "U". (View Part I, Part II, Part III) Have we, as Americans, really become so stupid? or is there a bigger design at work here? Of course, we understand that only the responses showing the ignorant were strung together, but that Americans could not answer such fundamental questions about their world is disturbing.

I would encourage you to explore the work of Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. Miss Iserbyt was the Senior Policy advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the Reagan administration. What she discovered caused her to resign her position and create a book of documents that she took with her when she vacated the post. Her work is called The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, and is a must read for anyone truly interested in knowing why our children are finishing high school with an education that falls far short of quality. An Online version of the book can be downloaded for free here.

One may ask why a government should want to purposefully dumb down its populace. Although, the answer is multifaceted, one need only to look to the dictatorial regimes of Stalin and Hitler - to name only two. One of the first orders of business for any dictatorship is to remove the intelligentsia and academics. By systematically dumbing down the population the need to forcefully remove these blockades to dictatorial rule is greatly lessened, and the population is indoctrinated into a worker class that does little to question those that they believe to have rule over them. And in so doing, fail to remember that the American government was created to give the rule to the people and not those in public service, who are to do nothing more than carry out the will of the people.

And as a final thought... our UK counterparts aren't doing so well either. The Telegraph reported that 2008 will bring exams with softer questions for students to puzzle through (read).

FOLLOW UP: For several days now, I have tried without success to discover the poll cited. I have sent an email to Miss Teen U.S.A. headquarters and await a response.

UPDATE 9.27.2007: I have still been unable to find the source for the question offered by Miss Teen U.S.A. I'm wondering if the "real" question could have been "One out of Five Americans can't find Iraq on a map, why do you think this is so?" There seem to be statistics to support this question while none to support the former.

The Exiled American
Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola

Saturday, August 25, 2007

An American Hero Passes...

Aaron Russo, American patriot and producer of the groundbreaking film, America: Freedom to Fascism, died on Friday, August 24, 2007, at the age of 64, in Los Angeles after a long battle with cancer. He produced rock concerts and managed rock band Manhattan Transfer and singing personality, Bette Midler, who starred in his Oscar Nominated film, The Rose (1979). But more importantly, Mr. Russo was a political activist, the founder of the Constitution Party and true American. In 1998, he ran for Governor of Nevada and was a Libertarian Party nominee for President of the United States in 2004. His final year was spent in support of Republican Presidential candidate, Ron Paul.

While running for Governor of Nevada, Russo had been wooed by the Rockefeller Crime Cartel via Nick Rockefeller* to become a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, but turned down the invitation and became "a fighter for the people". In an interview with radio talk show host, Alex Jones, he revealed that Rockefeller had told him about the 9-11 false flag and the War on Terror hoax (see An Historic Interview with Aaron Russo link below) eleven months before the 9-11 attack on America happened. Instead of accepting the world of the Elite, he began exposing the crimes of the Rockefeller family and infiltration of America by the corporate and banking industries. His last film, America: Freedom to Fascism, was a clarion wake up call to the American people and the world exposing how the country has been taken over by the Federal Reserve and the illegality of the income tax. The film can be seen in its entirety Online here.

During his final years, Russo appeared on several radio shows, including The Jeff Rense Program and The Alex Jones Show. To the end, he remain a true and dedicated American Patriot.

Aaron Russo is survived by common-law wife, Heidi Gregg, and two sons. Our deepest condolences go out to the family.

Russo's films include The Rose (1979), Partners (1982), Trading Places (1983), Teachers (1984), Wise Guys (1986), Rude Awakening (1989), Missing Pieces (1991), and Off and Running (1991). Russo was also the inventor of ladies bikini panties (1963) while working at his father's New York undergarment business.

Visit Aaron Russo's Freedom to Fascism website here.

The Exiled American
Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola

In His Own Words...
Here are various interviews given by Mr. Russo:

The Aaron Russo Interview: watch
Alex Jones interviews Aaron Russo: listen
The Final Interview: An Historic Interview with Aaron Russo: watch
Ron Paul clips from America: Freedom to Fascism: watch clip
Aaron Russo on FOX News about his running for President (2004): watch

*photo of Aaron Russo with Nick Rockefeller from www.jonesreport.com

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Clergy Response Teams to Aid Federal Government....

The KSLA News 12 (Shreveport, Louisiana) story regarding the governmental use of Clergy Response Teams to control the American population has caused quite a stir among those with eyes to see and ears to hear (Watch the KSLA News 12 piece here).

The Federal Government has enlisted the aid of 26,000+ clergy to preach a Government issued agenda of Romans 13 (text below). This chapter from the Christian Bible is being used to demand complete and uncompromising obeisance to the American government. It has been said that this text was employed by Adolph Hitler in order to rally the German people to his ideals. It is no surprise that the Neo-cons, with a history steeped in Nazi idealism, should be employing the tactic yet again.

Separation of Church and State was a fundamental truth of the American Forefathers, and that Self Evident Truth was destroyed when churches were forced to sign paperwork, 501 (c)(3), in order to be tax exempt organizations. A tax exempt status that can be taken away if a pastor is found to be using his pulpit for a political agenda. But it seems a political agenda no longer matters as long as the message being heralded is approved State Mandated Truth. The government is now moving deeper into the churches to take even more control. This time, directly over those in the pews.

The use of the pulpit for political agenda is nothing new. The fact is, the American Revolution was rallied via the pulpits of the 13 Colonies. What makes its use by Hitler and the Neo-con Regime worthy of note is that it does not seek to ensure continued freedom and independence, but control, martial law, gun confiscation, and, ultimately, full-blown tyranny.

While the semantics of the Romans 13 text can be debated as to whether it demands obedience to all government or only God-fearing governments (the Bible is full of stories of Godly men upraising against government, including Jesus himself), perhaps the text itself should be called into question. Did the Apostle Paul even write this (or any of the text attributed to him, for that matter) or was it a later interpolation to call the growing Christian population to submission to Roman Governmental control? Regardless, this passage clearly highlights the systems used to control the masses: politics and religion. Together, they have been used to devastating affects since before the words of Romans 13 were penned; regardless of who set pen and ink to sheepskin. And it seems that the time-tested tactic is being resurrected for another barrage against humanity.

Ray Pohjola
The Exiled American

Romans 13
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Who Mourns New Atlantis?

As an American living outside of the United States now since 1998, I have been watching the country that I love destroyed from within, while the majority of Americans do little to change the path of destruction that we are on.

A friend recently urged me to start writing up my views and analysis of current events. I will be using this space to do just that. I will also be publishing various articles that I have written covering the two most basic modes of population control: politics and religion.

Ray Zweidinger-Pohjola
The Exiled American